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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Night Ballerz

 Another great weekend of relaxing with Mr. and plenty of dog time too.  I'm winding down on the couch with my old guy to my left and my my wiggly one on my right.  Mr. and I enjoyed the afternoon and grabbed coffee and some people watching before he headed home for dinner with his family.  My place is starting to feel less normal when he's not here and more normal when he's here...which I love, just hoping it works out for him to spend more time here in the near future.  Otherwise it's just a bit quiet and lonely...even with my boys.

I'm really hoping this week is a positive one at work with no drama and no over reacting employees.  Hoping ahole owner stays out of the way of me and my good boss and we can keep the progress we had going from when ahole was in hiding for 8 months.  It's time we see some resolution to their battle over the company and he walks...whatever it takes he needs to walk.  At this point, I'm almost resigning myself, like many of my employees have already done, that it's never going to end and he's always going to be part owner trying to halt any progress of the business he no longer wants anything to do with, but won't let go without bleeding the other owner dry on the way out.  Then I have to pep myself up and think positively.  Or just pour another glass of wine and trick myself into believing the opposite.

Yesterday I had a great run at the gym and hit my 10 mile goal.  I really want to start my long runs outside now that it's so nice out, but running on the trail gets distracting and it's a real challenge to my will power.  I get bored and just turn around.  I need to maybe map a circular route off the trails and then run that so It's just a continuous run.  On the treadmill I just can say I'm not stopping til I hit so many miles, or so much time.  But outside there are so many variables that make it harder for me to stay focused and on task.  But I am determined to hit a longer run than my 6 miles that I did the last trail run.  Really gunning for the 13 mile mark at least.  Gonna keep chugging along.

I'm still lifting too, but last week I only hit the machines and weights twice...going for at least three days this week if I can walk into the gym and not get stuck for an hour on the treadmill first.  I need to learn that I can just do a quick warm up run and then hit the weights.  I used to hit them at least 5, but fostering a relationship and keeping my boys in line has to chip away at something, and as long as I can keep my cardio up and stay on my eating plan, I'll be able to continue to get to where I want to be...i'm pretty confident of that!

Anywho, these ballerz are enough motivation for anyone!  - peace Rin

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