blog advertising is good for you Men-O-Night: R & R

Saturday, June 16, 2012

R & R

In the midst of a 9 day stretch and luckily keeping myself from over thinking it and getting myself into a panic.  Last night Mr and I had a great evening with my Rock Star Lesbos at their new pad.  They aren't walking distance by any means, but I'm excited for them to have a new place to call their own and that life is treating them so well.  Mr. and I are loving the patio weather and we have it suited out like you wouldn't believe.  We made the cutest patio herb garden out of a rustic metal wall magazine rack from Homegoods...I'm addicted to Homegoods!  It is growing so well and it's awesome having fresh herbs again for my cooking frenzies.  Our heirloom tomatoes are doing great too and we already have some tomatoes on them.

Last fall on our beach weekend we fell in love with this amazing vine growing up a building along the boardwalk.  It was this gorgeous combination of purple and green leaves with little purple flowers and these  crazy purple green pods.  We had no idea what it was, but snapped off a piece and brought it home in water.  It was doing well on our window sill, but ended up not making it.  On our most recent flower buying spree at our favorite nursery we ended up finding it...a Hyacinth Bean.  So, we of course snatched it up and it's trellising up a crazy piece of thick root vine that we drug up from the creek.  Anywho, super excited that the patio is open and such an inviting place to check out and relax.

I'm hoping for a good weekend at work so that next week rolls with ease and doesn't just hammer me to the ground.  I keep thinking I'll get a call about a cool job with a regular schedule and that I can just dive into without so much turmoil...but until then...I'm gonna press on and make shit pretty and avoid the drama.  For now I'm going to get a bit of patio time in the the dogs while Mr. is off making pretty shit and then he to work.  It's going to be a late night I can tell, so I need as much peace as I can muster.

Enjoy the beautiful day and soak up some sun...unless you're albino, then cover up and stay safe.

- Rin

A little beach inspiration for the weekend.


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